Setting up the web reports

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If you don't have Microsoft Access installed or if you would like to view the backup history through a web browser (which is definitely more convenient) then you will need to setup the EventSentry web reports. The web reports files (ASP files) need to be installed and configured on a computer running Internet Information Server.


Explaining how to setup the web reports is beyond the scope of this document, but the EventSentry manual dedicated an entire chapter on how to install and configure the web reports.


The basic steps involved are:


1.Run the EventSentry setup on the machine where IIS is installed. If you have not yet installed IIS, then run the EventSentry setup after you installed IIS. The EventSentry setup will automatically create a new properly configured virtual directory.
2.Create a system DSN that will point to the Access database.
3.Edit the WebReportsConfig.xml configuration file and point it to the previously created system DSN.