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Apache 1.3x & PHP 5.x

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Please note that the EventSentry web reports no longer work with PHP and Apache.


When running the MySQL database then you might also want to run the Apache web server using PHP as a scripting interpreter.



Download the latest version of the 1.3 series of Apache from Note that the 2.x series of Apache is preferrable, however PHP does not officially support the 2.x release of Apache at the time of writing - though we did not experience any problems.


When installing Apache make sure that you select the option


for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service -- Recommneded.


Also make sure that the Internet Information Server (IIS), if installed, is either reconfigured for a port other than 80 or not running to avoid conflicts with the Apache web server.



You can download the latest version of PHP from Please note that the PHP pages included with EventSentry were tested with the 5.x release of PHP.


After installing the software you will need to make changes to both the Apache configuration file httpd.conf (usually found in the c:\program files\apache group\apache\conf directory) and the PHP configuration file php.ini (located in %systemroot%).


1.Add this line to the httpd.conf file below the other LoadModule lines:


LoadModule php5_module c:/php/php5apache.dll


2.Add this line to the httpd.conf file below the ClearModuleList command (this right below the line you just added)


AddModule mod_php5.c


3.Add these lines to the httpd.conf file, further down below where the <IfModule> sections start appearing


<IfModule mod_php5.c>

       AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

       SetEnv PHPRC c:/php



4.Add the PHP installation directory to the system PATH.
Right-click "My Computer" and select "Properties"
Click the "Advanced" tab
Click "Environment Variables"
Locate and select the "Path" variable in the "System variables" area
Click on "Edit"
Append the text ;c:\php\ to the existing text


5.It is also recommended that you increase the maximum time a script is allowed to execute. Open the php.ini file in a text editor (this file is located in the %SYSTEMROOT% directory by default) and locate the line starting with max_execution_time. Change this value to something like 300.


6.Restart the computer for the changes to become effective.