Event Log

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Event Log

When specifying the /le option, CheckURL will log all actions to the Application event log with the event source ESAdminTools and the event category CheckURL. Depending on the options specified in the /evt parameter, CheckURL will either log an informational, warning or error event to the event log.


Event Log Rules (/evt)

The event log rules allow you to specify with which severity certain checks will be logged to the event log. For example, you can log an ERROR to the event log if a particular text is not found in an URL, or a WARNING when the checksum of a page has changed.


You can create the event log rules with the following pattern pair: ACTION=SEVERITY,ACTION=SEVERITY,...



The following actions are available:


CHECKSUM_CHANGE        A checksum change has been detected

CHECKSUM_EQUAL        A checksum has not changed

TXT_FOUND                The specified text has been found in the page

TXT_NOTFOUND                The specified text has not been found in the page

CERTIFICATE                The remote certificate expires



Events can be logged with the following severities:


Error                        Logs event as an error

Warning                        Logs event as a warning

Information                Logs event as a warning

Ignore                        Does not log an event to the event log


Some examples for rules are:






CheckURL logs the following events to the event log:


Event ID

Event Message


Unable to connect to "%1" due to error "%2" (%3).


The checksum of URL "%1" was initialized to "%2".


The checksum of URL "%1" changed to "%2".


The checksum of URL "%1" did not change.


The TLS certificate for URL "%1" expires in %2 day(s), on "%3".