Requirements / Installation

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Requirements / Installation


All EventSentry SysAdmin Tools applications require one of the following 64-bit Windows Operating Systems (referred to as "Windows" through this document):


Windows Server 2003 x64

Windows XP x64

Windows Vista x64

Windows Server 2008 x64

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows 7 x64

Windows 8 or 8.1

Windows Server 2012 (R2)

Windows 10

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2022



Version 2.0 of the NTToolkit (legacy name) includes Unix versions for some of the included utilities, however the most recent version of the EventSentry SysAdmin Tools only support the above listed Windows-based platforms. The following Unix-based platforms are supported in v2.0:



FreeBSD 8.x

OS X 10.5 & 10.6


The above platforms will be simply referred to as Linux, FreeBSD and OS X through this document.



Windows 2008 and later: Some of the executables require administrative access, and as such the command-line prompt will have had to be previously launched with a user that has administrative permissions (right-click the icon and select "Run As Administrator").



To install the software, simply run the installer and select the components to be installed.


To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer which should update the existing installation automatically. If the update fails, simply uninstall the existing version (if still possible) and reinstall the latest version.