Upgrading from the EventSentry Trial Version

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If you have purchased EventSentry after evaluating the trial version of EventSentry then you will need to update the license informationon  all EventSentry installations. A reboot is not necessary.


To upgrade to EventSentry after using the trial version of EventSentry you will need to upgrade one computer manually (1. below) and then, if you have multiple installations, perform a remote update (2. below). You can also update the licensing information manually on each computer if you wish.



1. On the Local Machine (Management Workstation)


1.Enter your full license by launching the EventSentry License Management which can be found in the Program Files folder.


2. On Multiple Remote Machines


1.Make sure that the computer from which you are performing has the full license configured.


2.Add all the computers you wish to update to the remote update.


3.Right-click the Groups node in the left pane and select Remote Update -> Manage Agent(s) -> Update. Alternatively you can also right-click the Computers node in a selected group and select Manage Agent(s) -> Update.


4.The service on the remote machines will be stopped, the service executable and license information updated, and the service restarted. Please note that the service will only be restarted on the those computers where the service was running.