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Command Line Parameters


checkdb <DSN|ConnectionString> /u <USER> /p <PASS> /q <SQLQUERY> /lc /le


DSN or Connection String

DSN or connection string to connect to


Username to connect as (DSN only)


Password for USERNAME (DSN only)


SQL query to execute upon successful connection


Log all output to console


Log all output to event log



When using a connection string, both username and password need to be specified inside the connection string, the /u and /p options cannot be used.



Example 1: Check whether the database defined in DSN EventSentry is available and log output to the console

checkdb EventSentry /u eventsentry_web /p !$^&3jdk3 /lc


Example 2: Check whether the database defined in the connection string is available and log output to the event log

checkdb "driver={SQL Server};server=mssqlserver;Network=DBMSSOCN;database=EventSentry;uid=eventsentry_svc;pwd=1234" /le


Example 3: Check whether the database defined in DSN EventSentry is available, verify that the table ESEventlogLog exists and log output to the console and event log

checkdb EventSentry /u eventsentry_web /p !$^&3jdk3 /q "select top 1 * from ESEventlogLog" /lc /le



Sample Output


C:\>checkdb SQLSERVER /u eventsentry_web /p password /q "select top 1 * from ESEventlogLog" /lc /le


CheckDB v1.0 by NETIKUS.NET ltd [ compiled on May  8 2008 ]



Verify a database connection through ODBC, optionally execute SQL statement.



Connect  : OK

DB Type  : Microsoft SQL Server

Time     : 1 second(s)

SQL Query: select top 1 * from ESEventlogLog -> OK



Example event from the event log