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Comma Separated Values You can separate multiple values with a comma to avoid creating multiple filters. Simply combine all the values the field should match with commas and make sure you are not using a space after or before the comma. For example:
All fields in the "Details" section and the "Filter Text" support this feature.
Negation Symbol You can negate a value by prepending it with an exclamation mark. For example, to match all events except for those with the source of Print you could use the following:
Do not combine regular values (values with the negation character) and values with a negation character (e.g. "!Print,MrxSmb" is not supported). All fields in the "Details" section support this feature.
Wildcard Feature
When Wildcard Support is activated in the general options then the following filter fields will support wildcards:
Filters 1. Event Source 2. Category 3. Username 4. Filter Text
Service Monitoring 1. Included/Excluded Service
Process Tracking 1. Included/Excluded Process
The wildcards * and ? are currently supported.