Event ID
Event Description
An event log was cleared.
The Application event log was successfully cleared.
An event log was successfully backed up.
The Application event log was successfully backed up to file c:\backups\eventlog\Application_04_29.evt.
An event log was successfully cleared and backed up.
The Application event log was successfully cleared and backed up to file c:\backups\eventlog\Application_04_29.evt.
An event log could not be cleared due to an error.
The Security event log could not be cleared due to the following error: Access is Denied.
An event log could not be backed up due to an error.
The Security event log could not be backed up due to the following error: Access is Denied.
An event log could not be cleared and backed up due to an error.
The System event log could not be cleared and backed up due to the following error: Access is Denied.
Full event logs cannot be detected.
Full event logs cannot be detected on this machine, this feature is not supported on this platform (only Windows 2000 or higher).