Summary Notifications |
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Instead of receiving notifications all the time you can also receive Summary Notifications. This enables you to receive a number of events that occurred during a particular time interval.
For example, you can receive an email every day at 6:00pm with all ERROR events of that day; or your supervisor could receive an email once every week with all ERROR events from a particular event log.
This feature can also be used for other targets such as the ODBC. This is useful for event log consolidation when a particular server is connected through a slow connection. Rather than log every event immediately, events can be logged to the database three times daily thus conserving bandwith during critical hours. Bandwith is also conserved since a database connect and disconnect only occurs a few times a day, rather than with every event. Important messages can still be configured to be sent via SMTP email.
Please see Filter Summary Notifications for more details and/or click here for a screenshot. |