The heartbeat status shows you a list of all computers that are currently being monitored and the following information:
• | Status: The overall status* of the host. |
• | Ping: The current PING status, or "n/a" if not monitored |
• | Agent: The current status of the EventSentry agent, or "n/a" if not monitored |
• | TCP: The current TCP status, or "n/a" if not monitored |
• | Ports Monitored: All TCP ports being monitored |
• | Ports Failed: All TCP ports that failed |
• | Information: Extended information about the last error if available |
• | Last Check: The last time this host was checked |
You can also filter the heartbeat status page by status, group, location (if enabled). You can also sort the output by all of the above fields.
* The overall status is calculated in the following way:
All monitored services are OK
One or more, but not all, monitored services reported an ERROR
All monitored services reported an ERROR