Heartbeat Status

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The heartbeat status shows you a list of all computers that are currently being monitored and the following information:


Status: The overall status* of the host.


Ping: The current PING status, or "n/a" if not monitored
Agent: The current status of the EventSentry agent, or "n/a" if not monitored
TCP: The current TCP status, or "n/a" if not monitored


Ports Monitored: All TCP ports being monitored
Ports Failed: All TCP ports that failed


Information: Extended information about the last error if available


Last Check: The last time this host was checked


You can also filter the heartbeat status page by status, group, location (if enabled). You can also sort the output by all of the above fields.




* The overall status is calculated in the following way:





All monitored services are OK


One or more, but not all, monitored services reported an ERROR


All monitored services reported an ERROR