Viewing Heartbeat Status & History

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The heartbeat monitor writes local HTML status files and also writes the current heartbeat status to the database if configured.


Viewing the local HTML files

While running, the heartbeat agent will create a HTML status and history file in the Heartbeat subdirectory of the EventSentry installation. To view these files simply left-click the Computers container of the group whose status you would like to review. EventSentry will then display the HTML status file for the group in the right pane. You will need to make sure that at least Internet Explorer 4.0 is installed however in order for this feature to work.


Alternatively you can also open the Heartbeat subdirectory of the EventSentry installation and view the Heartbeat_groupname_status.htm file manually in a browser.


Viewing the heartbeat status through web reports

If you configured the heartbeat monitor to write status information to an ODBC database, then EventSentry will display the heartbeat status page from your web reports in the right pane. Please note that you will need to have the path to your web reports configured for this to work - please click here for more information.


More information on checking the current heartbeat status through the web reports.


Viewing the heartbeat history of one or more computers

In addition to viewing the current status, you can also view a complete history of any monitored computer. To view the history of a particular computer you will need to click on the computer name on the heartbeat status page in order to navigate to the history page. Alternatively you can also access the history page directly by navigating to http://<path_to_web_reports/eventsentry_heartbeat_history.asp. You cannot currently access the history page directly through the menu.


More information on checking the heartbeat history through the web reports.


Viewing the heartbeat uptime status

You can view and compare uptime information between monitored hosts to determine the uptime percentage of all monitored hosts. Please note that you will have to monitor the ping status of host in order to calculate its uptime.


More information on checking the heartbeat uptime through the web reports.


Both the heartbeat status and the heartbeat history page are automatically refreshed every minute.